him, her, and them...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

The Birthday Fairy

Happy Birthday JAX!!! He turned 2 on July 6th and since we have a birthday fairy that lives near us, she always stops in the kid's bedrooms and decorates their rooms for their birthdays. She is sneaky because they've never caught this fairy yet.
Sorry, forgot to turn the picture. It's Jax's door all decorated by the fairy.

Jax's room with fairy decor on it.


Anne-Marie said...

That is such a cute idea! And your trip looked so fun-we love Disneyland & Sea World. Makes me want to go back again.

Ryan and Alicia said...

I didn't get a picture of it, but we also have balloon strings tied from either the ceiling or on the underside of the bunk-bed with goodies tied to the ends. Some with little toys or trinkets and then some with candy treats. Just another suggestion.