him, her, and them...

Saturday, August 1, 2009

***Summer Purging***

I don't know what it is about excess clutter to me, but it literally makes my skin crawl and I begin to feel really clostrophobic!! For the past week or so I have been going from room to room, closet to closet, and drawer to drawer, and purging anything we don't need or want. I detest clutter I think more than a messy house. Usually I get this itch about twice a year and do an entire house overhaul. There is no greater feeling on the earth than when I haul out bag after bag of stuff and make a nice huge run to the DI or Goodwill. Am I just crazy or do other's feel this way?!?!


Hilarie said...

Alicia --
Hilarie (from Ryan's mission...remember me?) here! I just found your blog and am so happy to see that your family is happy and healthy! I add a post to my blog (smallandsimplethingamajigs.blogspot.com) every now and again.
Anyway, I just thought I'd pop in and say hello -- if we lived nearby, I'd TOTALLY ask you to purge my house for me....as it is, I'll just have to use this post as inspiration. :o)
Hilarie Shoemaker Jacobberger
PS -- Please tell Ryan I said "quack"! Heeheee

Monica Mary said...

You know we are kindred spirits when it comes to this...

Bonny said...

Cute pictures. I've been feeling the same way lately but I have alot more to do!