him, her, and them...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Independence is Hard

...well, hard on me that is. My kiddos have always liked to play by themselves. That is to say, they LOVE playing when other kids are around and when Daddy is home and being goofy; but they've never just loved playing with me. Case in point: I went in earlier to help Jax find his Mack semi (we had our carpets cleaned yesterday and we're still in the process of putting everything back in their proper places). Once he was found I started helping him take the Cars guys out and started playing with them and him. After about 2 minutes of watching me, I guess try to play with them, my little man states, "um....it's okay to leave now mom." And promptly shuts the door as I'm leaving. Man can we say stab to the heart and twist! I guess I just don't play right? I thought I was sort of fun, but after hearing that I guess not. ;-( I just wish their independence wasn't so hard for me to swallow.


The Wessman Family said...

I don't think I am very fun to play with either:( We'll figure it out...or better yet, they'll figure out that we really are pretty great!

chandy said...

Awww...poor mommy! The same thing kind of happened to me last night. The kids were happily playing together in the living room, and I came out to sit and watch them. They got really quiet, and then Elliot said "Mommy, you can go back to the kitchen if you want to."

Bonny said...

That is so funny! My kids may be clingy occasionally but they don't like to play with me either. Don't feel bad, I can't clean my house because they want me around every second. At least your house is clean. lol